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Blood Pressure - Hypertension


A Salty Red Herring

Age Related Changes of Baroreflex on BP

AHA Prevention Fact Sheet 2009

Altered Oxidant/Antioxidant Status in Non Obese Hypertensive Men

Alternative Treatments for Hypertension

Arginine and Hypertension - Summary

Arginine and Hypertension - Full Article

Beetroot Juice can Beat High Blood Pressure

Before You Medicate, Meditate

Blood Pressure Cases to Top One Billion

Blood Pressure Dipping in Ethnically Diverse Population

Blood Pressure is in the Brain

Blood Pressure Link to Dementia

Calcium and Blood Pressure

Calcium Guards Against Hypertension

Calcium Plays More Roles in Health than Building Strong Bones

Coffee Consumption and the Incidence of Antihypertensive Drug Treatment

Coffee Intake and Incidence of Hypertension

Coffee Consumption and teh Risk of Hypertension (Best Evidence)

Consensus in the Calcium / BP Debate

Contribution of Endothelium Derived Nitric Oxide to Exercise

Contribution of Nitric Oxide to Coronary Artery Vasodilatation

Counter Stress Changes by Relaxation Response

Depression and Anxiety Linked to Hypertension

Drink Lowers Blood Pressure Risks

Effects of stress reduction on mortality in persons over 55 years of age with systemic hypertension

Effects of the TM Program on Blood Pressure in Young Adults

Egg Irony - High Cholesterol Food May Lower Blood Pressure

Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor

Failure to realise growth potential in utero and adult obesity in relation to blood pressure

High Blood Pressure Could Exacerbate Alzheimers

High Blood Pressure in School Children

High Blood Pressure

High Pressure Jobs double risk of depression

How does body weight affect hypertension

Hypertension and Soy

Hypertension and Vitamin D

Impact of meditation on blood pressure and heart rate in youth

Insights from Pathophysiology to Clinical Hypertension

Job Stress Jacks Up Blood Pressure

Job stress raises blood pressure

Lower Lipid Peroxide levels with TM

Lowering High BP Diet (No Source Citation)

Moderate intensity exercise vasodilation increase in nitric oxide

New blood pressure control found

Nitric Oxide Deficiency Raises Cardiovascular Risk in African Americans

Nitric Oxide Review Online

Nitric oxide

Norepinephrine levels during stress in hypertension

Oral treatment with L Lysine and L Arginine reduces Anxiety and Cortisol

Oxidative Stress and Hypertension

P Grossman et al - Blood pressure responses to mental stress

P Grossman et al - Cardiac vagal control and dynamic responses to psychological stress

Paul Grossman - A number of interesting Papers

Pediatric Vital Signs

PKG sensitive Channel Meidates flow induced Ca++

Prevalence of obesity with increased blood pressure in elementary school

Reduction of blood pressure with calcium supplementation

Relationship between oxidative stress and essential hypertension

Relationships between Negative Emotions and BP Dipping

RESPeRATE Peer Review Articles



Seasons affect blood pressure

Shifting hemodynamics of blood pressure control during prolonged mental stress

Statement on Sodium and High Blood Pressure (NIH)

Stress and Your Health Links

Stress management in the treatment of essential arterial hypertension

Stress reduction programs in patients with elevated blood pressure

The Linus Pauling Institute - Vitamin D

The role of stress related aldosterone secretion in essential hypertension

Treating Hypertension Naturally

Treatment of Hypertension a Deplorable Fiasco











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